Welcome to third grade! I am so excited to be working with you and your child this school year. I believe learning should be fun and engaging. My goal this year is to create a learning environment where the students feel welcomed and are eager to learn. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me!
During the school year we are going to learn and explore new ideas and topics! In math, we will be being learning our multiplication facts. In ELA, we will explore different reading genre and become familiar with reading a chapter book. We will travel in social studies to learn about other countries traditions and culture and how we can compare to here at home. In science, we will become scientist and experiment with electric forces, fossils, motion and more!
Mondays- Art
Tuesdays- P.E.
Wednesdays- Tech and P.E.
Thursdays- Music
Fridays- Char. Ed.